We are indebted to the Editor and the members of the Control Committee who have painstakingly reviewed all of the chapters and made many valuable comments. This bore fruit especially with the treatment of the strength of ships and the design of principal structural members which had not achieved sufficient coordination in earlier editions. Lewis, Editor of PNA were members of the SDC Control Committee, greatly facilitating the integration process. Nachtsheim, Chairman of the Control Committee and Edward V. Of the two books with PNA containing the theoretical aspects of nava! architecture with SDC applying that theory to practice. I t then became more important to harmonize the contents After first drafts of the various chapters of S h i p Design and Construction ( S D C ) had been prepared, the Executive Committee decided to proceed with a new edition of Principles of Naval Architecture ( P N A ). Additionally, in keeping with the trend toward increased use of metrication both in the United States and abroad, the Committee received approval to accord primacy to measurements in accordance with the Systeme International d'Unites ( S I ) in the text and illustrations with English units retained only in secondary status as an aid to students learning the metric system. However, difficulties of integrating such a chapter into the remainder of the teat led to a decision calling upon the authors to include computer applications in each chapter as appropriate. Significant strides in the application of computers to both design and construction since the 1969 edition prompted consideration of a special chapter devoted to the role of computers. Along the line of more even treatment to the overall subject matter, the Committee enlarged the section on Ship Construction by adding chapters on Contractual Arrangements and Trials as well as the chapter on Launching mentioned previously. As an overall guide to organization of text material, Chapters I and I1 constitute the Basic Design section, while Chapters I11 to XIV cover Final Design the remainder pertains to various aspects of Ship Construction. Because of the importance of cargo on design, more space is allocated to cargo handling with separate chapters devoted respectively to dry and liquid cargos. Thus, a central theme is expounded in the early chapters which pervades the entire book and emphasizes the effects which the type of cargo and the vessel's mission have in developing markedly different configurations and basic designs. Therefore, it enlarged the treatment of Basic Design into two chapters, the first to describe the basic design in its general application and the second to show how basic designs are developed for vessels with a wide variety of missions. On the other hand, the Committee sensed a need for material which would give the student familiarity with a greater variety of important vessel types. In an effort to accord the subject matter more uniform treatment, the five chapter concentration on structure of the prior edition gave way to a shorter three chapter version. As a partial trade-off toward page reduction, the Committee eliminated the 1969 edition chapter on Submersibles because of its relatively narrow field of interest and the lack of major new developments for commercial operations.

Therefore it recommended, and the Publications Committee as well as the Executive Committee approved, the inclusion in Ship Design and Construction of new chapters on Load Lines, Tonnage, and Launching which would then be deleted from future editions of Principles of Naual Architecture. At the outset, the Committee recognized that within a few years the Society's book Principles of Naval Architecture would also be revised and that it contained material which more properly pertained to design and construction rather than theoretical naval architecture. The purpose of the book remains essentially the same as that of the prior editions namely, a textbook "to assist students and others entering the field of shipbuilding towards a knowledge of how merchant ships are designed and constructed and to provide them with a good background for further study." Nevertheless, a number of considerations led the Committee to modify extensively the scope and organization of the book. Honsinger appointed the Control Committee and in April 1976, the Editor was appointed. Accordingly, in February, 1976 the Society's Executive Committee directed that the revision proceed promptly. 10048įoreword With the passage of time since the 1969 ediLior~of Ship Design arzd Constrilctiofi,progress in the related arts and sciences has increasingly dictated the need for an updated version. Published by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers One World Trade Center, Suite 1369 New York, N.Y.